
Tonight I was looking around the web for examples of Content-MD5 in an HTTP response. I was thinking it'd make for another example of OkHttp's powerful new Interceptor API.

I haven't found such an example yet. But I did stumble upon some curious headers on Apple's CDN:

~ curl -v
> GET /ac/globalheader/1.0/styles/globalheader.css HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< ntCoent-Length: 89953
< Transfer-Encoding:  chunked

I'm guessing ntCoent-Length is an (obvious) misspelling of Content-Length. Weird. Typos happen.

But what's weirder still is that another file on the same host has a similar typo:

~ curl -v
> GET /metrics/ac-analytics/0.2/scripts/ac-analytics.js HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< nnCoection: close
< Connection: keep-alive

You say nnCoection, I say Connection. Now I have a puzzle: what would trigger a bug like this?