Eliminating duplicates with UniqueList

Although the issues list contains over 100 issues, there's only a few unique users. Our users list has many duplicates - one for each occurrence of a user in the issues list. Duplicate removal is solved quickly and easily by UniqueList.

    // derive the users list from the issues list
    EventList usersNonUnique = new IssueToUserList(issuesEventList);
    UniqueList usersEventList = new UniqueList(usersNonUnique);

Finally, you can display the users list in a JList. In the next chapter, we'll use that JList in a filter for our issues list.

   * Display a frame for browsing issues.
  public void display() {
    SortedList sortedIssues = new SortedList(issuesEventList, new IssueComparator());
    JTextField filterEdit = new JTextField(10);
    FilterList textFilteredIssues = new FilterList(sortedIssues, new TextComponentMatcherEditor(filterEdit, new IssueTextFilterator()));
    // derive the users list from the issues list
    EventList usersNonUnique = new IssueToUserList(issuesEventList);
    UniqueList usersEventList = new UniqueList(usersNonUnique);
    // create the issues table
    EventTableModel issuesTableModel = new EventTableModel(textFilteredIssues, new IssueTableFormat());
    JTable issuesJTable = new JTable(issuesTableModel);
    TableComparatorChooser tableSorter = new TableComparatorChooser(issuesJTable, sortedIssues, true);
    JScrollPane issuesTableScrollPane = new JScrollPane(issuesJTable);

    // create the users list
    EventListModel usersListModel = new EventListModel(usersEventList);
    JList usersJList = new JList(usersListModel);
    JScrollPane usersListScrollPane = new JScrollPane(usersJList);
    // create the panel
    JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    panel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
    panel.add(new JLabel("Filter: "),      new GridBagConstraints(...));
    panel.add(filterEdit,                  new GridBagConstraints(...));
    panel.add(new JLabel("Reported By: "), new GridBagConstraints(...));
    panel.add(usersListScrollPane,         new GridBagConstraints(...));
    panel.add(issuesTableScrollPane,       new GridBagConstraints(...));
    // create a frame with that panel
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Issues");
    frame.setSize(540, 380);