Adding the FilterList and a TextComponentMatcherEditor

The FilterList works with any Matcher or MatcherEditor. In this case, we'll use a TextComponentMatcherEditor. It accepts any JTextComponent for editing the filter text - in most cases you'll use a JTextField. Creating the FilterList and getting your EventTableModel to use it takes only a few lines of new code.

   * Display a frame for browsing issues.
  public void display() {
    SortedList sortedIssues = new SortedList(issuesEventList, new IssueComparator());
    JTextField filterEdit = new JTextField(10);
    FilterList textFilteredIssues = new FilterList(sortedIssues, new TextComponentMatcherEditor(filterEdit, new IssueTextFilterator()));
    // create a panel with a table
    JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    panel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
    EventTableModel issuesTableModel = new EventTableModel(textFilteredIssues, new IssueTableFormat());
    JTable issuesJTable = new JTable(issuesTableModel);
    TableComparatorChooser tableSorter = new TableComparatorChooser(issuesJTable, sortedIssues, true);
    JScrollPane issuesTableScrollPane = new JScrollPane(issuesJTable);
    panel.add(new JLabel("Filter: "), new GridBagConstraints(...));
    panel.add(filterEdit,             new GridBagConstraints(...));
    panel.add(issuesTableScrollPane,  new GridBagConstraints(...));
    // create a frame with that panel
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Issues");
    frame.setSize(540, 380);