‘It Needs Documentation’

I’ve seen bug reports and Slack conversations that start like this:

‘I tried to use your library to decode the integer 1 to a boolean and it crashed. Please document that your library doesn’t decode integers to booleans.’

I probe a bit in my response:

‘Oh darn, lemme fix. Which docs did you read? (I want to update the right ones!)

And predictably the documentation-requester might not be a documentation-consumer:

‘Nothing specific. I just think it’s worth documenting.’

The root cause of the docs complaint is ‘I don’t understand it’.

I can address the request by writing some documentation. But sometimes the best way to make a project easier to understand is to change the project itself:

  • Remove non-essential components
  • Find components that do too much, and decompose ’em
  • Find components that do too little, and combine ’em

I prefer a simple solution over a well-documented complex one.