OkHttp + Restricted APIs

Certain TLS features like Server Name Indication (SNI) and Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) existed in Android before they had public APIs. The code was there; there just wasn’t a good way to use it.

OkHttp hacks around such limitations with reflection. Our internal platform package integrates both Android and JVM-specific features to get the best behavior even when public APIs don’t exist. When public APIs eventually get published we update OkHttp to use them. We don’t want to use more reflection than strictly necessary!

With Android 11 Google is restricting some old APIs that OkHttp was using. If you use an old OkHttp release to target Android API 30, you’ll get this weird crash:

IllegalStateException: Expected Android API level 21+ but was 29
  at okhttp3.internal.platform.AndroidPlatform.buildIfSupported
  at okhttp3.internal.platform.Platform.findPlatform

The best fix is to use the latest OkHttp, which is 4.4.0 as of this post.

If you’re still on 3.x, today we're releasing OkHttp 3.12.9 and 3.14.7 to backport Android 11 support. You’ll need to upgrade to one of these before you can target API 30.

UPDATE 2020-03-01: We introduced a regression on 3.12.9 and you’ll need 3.12.10 to work on releases earlier than 4.4.