Checked exceptions vs. API design

Java has checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions.

Checked exceptions are for expected problems that you should deal with and recover from at runtime. Flaky network? Catch the IOException and deal with it.

Unchecked exceptions are for unexpected problems that should trigger a crash. Is the byte count negative? Got a string when you expected a URL? Don't recover; just crash. In 2015 even crashing is luxurous with cloud services to make failure delightful.

But when designing general purpose APIs, it's not always possible to differentiate unexpected vs. expected problems. The classic example is NumberFormatException. When you accept raw data from a user and Integer.parseInt() fails, you probably shouldn't crash. But if you're parsing a trusted JSON file and the input is malformed, you should give up so the problem can be found & fixed.

Today I'm annoyed because I'm parsing data that will be clean sometimes and dirty at other times. Do I risk crash good programs on bad input? Or do I punish safe calls with needless try/catch ceremony?

Guava works around this in LoadingCache with two methods that only differ in the types of exceptions they throw: get() and getUnchecked(). This both works and is sad.
