Here's some code that uses Okio to serialize an object to a base64-encoded string:
String toBase64(Object object) throws Exception {
Buffer buffer = new Buffer();
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(buffer.outputStream());
return buffer.readByteString().base64();
And this code will deserialize that string back into an object:
<T> T fromBase64(String base64) throws Exception {
Buffer buffer = new Buffer();
ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(buffer.inputStream());
Object result = in.readObject();
return (T) result;
With these two methods you can take a serialization snapshot of an object running under one version of your code and confirm that it'll deserialize under another.
For example, you can System.out
a BloomFilter created with Guava v16:
@Test public void printSerializedObject() throws Exception {
BloomFilter<Integer> bloomFilter = ...;
Copy and paste the printed base64 into another test and confirm that it deserializes correctly under Guava v17:
@Test public void deserialize() throws Exception {
String goldenValue = "rO0ABXNyAC1jb20uZ29vZ2xlLmNvbW1vbi5oYXNoLkJsb29tRmlsd"
+ "GVyJFNlcmlhbEZvcm0AAAAAAAAAAQIABEkAEG51bUhhc2hGdW5jdGlvbnNbAARkYXRhd"
+ "AACW0pMAAZmdW5uZWx0AB9MY29tL2dvb2dsZS9jb21tb24vaGFzaC9GdW5uZWw7TAAIc"
+ "3RyYXRlZ3l0AC1MY29tL2dvb2dsZS9jb21tb24vaGFzaC9CbG9vbUZpbHRlciRTdHJhd"
+ "mcuRW51bQAAAAAAAAAAEgAAeHB0AAhJTlNUQU5DRX5yACxjb20uZ29vZ2xlLmNvbW1vb"
+ "VVSMTI4X01JVFpfNjQ=";
BloomFilter<Integer> bloomFilter = fromBase64(goldenValue);
With base64 it's easy to embed binary data right in the test.
This example exercises serialization, but the technique is handy elsewhere. On a recent project I included encrypted data and the key that decrypts it in a test. The test later detected a regression triggered by updating one of our crypto dependencies!
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