My favourite bookmarklets

A bookmarklet is a tiny JavaScript program that lives inside a link. Drag each of these to your browser's bookmark bar - they add simple features to every page you visit:

 go to the "previous" page. This works for pages with numbers in the URLs, like Engadget or multi-page articles. From JWZ.

go "up" in the URL hierarchy. In some blogs, this takes you from the current post to the blog itself. From JWZ.

go to the "next" page. From JWZ.

μ create a tinyurl for this page.

X-RAY examine the CSS path of the elements on this page. This is a fully-featured program that allows you to debug CSS issues. From westciv.

translate the current page into English. From Google.

JS execute arbitrary JavaScript. Use this to prototype your own bookmarklets!

If you find these useful, it's easy to find lots of other bookmarklets.