Coding in the small with Google Collections: Comparators.max

Part 3 in a Series.

Comparators.max takes two Comparables and returns the larger of the two. It improves upon the standard approach, which requires both a comparison and a ternary:


public Money calculateDeliveryCharge(Order order) {
   double distanceInKm = Geography.getDistance(
       storeAddress, order.getAddress());
   Money perKm = pricePerKm.times(distanceInKm);

   _return perKm.compareTo(minimumDeliveryCharge) > 0
       ? perKm
       : minimumDeliveryCharge;_

### After:

<pre class="prettyprint">`  public Money calculateDeliveryCharge(Order order) {
   double distanceInKm = Geography.getDistance(
       storeAddress, order.getAddress());
   Money perKm = pricePerKm.times(distanceInKm);

   return Comparators.max(perKm, minimumDeliveryCharge);

Of course the Comparators.min method is also included. As a special treat, there's overloaded versions of each that allow you to specify your own comparator, such as String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER.

Part 4