We're having a properties discussion over on the beansbinding (JSR-295) mailing list. Here's a recent revision of the API:
* Models the relationship between two related types, such as
* the address of a customer or the size of a List.
* <p>A property is not bound to a particular base object - rather it
* is shared by all instances of a class.
* @param <B> the base object type, such as Customer
* @param <V> the value type, such as an Address or String
public interface Property<B,V> {
* Returns the value of this property on the specified object.
* @throws PropertyNotReadableException
V get(B baseObject);
* Returns the value of this property on the specified object,
* or the specified default if this property cannot be resolved.
V get(B baseObject, V defaultValue);
* Sets the value of this property on baseObject to newValue.
* @return the previous value of the property
* @throws PropertyNotWritableException
V set(B baseObject, V newValue);
Class<B> getBaseObjectType();
Class<V> getValueType();
* Returns a brief description of this property such as
* "address" or "size".
String toString();
Naturally for binding, properties can be observable:
* Mixin for properties that can notify observers when
* they change.
public interface ObservableProperty<B,V> extends Property<B,V> {
* Register the specified listener to receive notification when
* this property is changed.
void addPropertyChangeListener(B baseObject, PropertyChangeListener listener);
* Deregister the specified listener from receiving notification
* when this property is changed.
void removePropertyChangeListener(B baseObject, PropertyChangeListener listener);
There's still many unresolved issues:
If you have any ideas, please join the discussion!